6 Big Leveling Changes Made in Shadowlands Expansion


World of Warcraft is one of the most famous online games in the world with various expansions. Last year at Blizcon, a new expansion of WoW called Shadowlands was announced and has been released on 24th November 2020.

This new expansion introduces some new changes in the world of Azeroth and the character levels will be pushed down so that the new max level is 60. Moreover, other additions to this new expansion are a dungeon that changes every time you enter into it.

Furthermore, there are various changes in the way you can level up in the new expansion. In this article, we will be covering up all of the changes made to the leveling experience in the game.

Lastly, if you wish to level up faster, you can try out the shadowlands fastest leveling service to level up faster in the latest shadowlands’ expansion, that’s a super-easy way to get back to the top in no time.


6 Big Leveling Changes Made in Shadowlands Expansion: WoW

1. Level Squish

The first major change in the latest shadowlands’ expansion is the tweak in numbers. Yes, you guessed it right, the members which were on level 120 will come down at level 50 in the shadowlands pre-patch and the maximum level now is up to 60.

However, this will not affect your abilities in solo and raids.

2. Exile’s Reach

Level 1-10 – The old and new players both will have a new experience with the Exile’s reach where you will be learning some new skills that are required to be a good player in Azeroth. While being on the exile reach adventure, you will learn various new skills and the fundamentals of playing world of warcraft.

The hunters will learn the tactics to tame their pets and warriors will find out more about a good attack.

3. Heirlooms

In the latest Shadowlands expansion, you can level up faster than before and the old heirloom set will be replaced by the all-new Regalia of Fabled Adventurers and consists 7 items. The following heirloom set bonuses will be offered to the player instead of the experience bonuses:

  • 2-Piece Set Bonus: The Rested experience consumption reduces by 30 percent.
  • 3-Piece Set Bonus: The out-of-combat regeneration in the outdoors, battlegrounds and the normal dungeons increases.
  • 4-Piece Set Bonus: When you gain a level, the burst of knowledge gets triggered and deals with the damage from the nearby enemies. You also get 40 percent primary stat for a couple of minutes and this keeps extending as you keep defeating enemies.
  • 6-Piece Set Bonus: The consumption of rested experience is reduced by 30 percent.

4. New Starting Levels for Select Classes

Some classes will have a fresh starting of their levels, those classes include Demon hunters which will be starting at level 8 in shadowlands but will be going through their standard leveling experience in Mardum.
The death knights too will start from level 8 or 10, and have a dip of 55 spots in level, while the demon hunters went all the way down from 98 to 8.

Moving forward to the new generation of allied race death knights who will be starting their level from level 10 while the old rats who go through the lich king intro will be starting from level 8.

Lastly, the allied races will be starting from the 10th level without having to complete a starting zone.

5. Time walking Campaigns

If you wish to select a different expansion for leveling up in shadowlands, this new feature will sort out things for you. You can select an expansion of your choice for leveling up in the 10-50 range, but the newbies won’t have access to this feature and will have to play throughout the exile’s reach and fight for Azeroth to climb up to level 50 with at least one character if they want to be in the list of veteran players.

6. Campaigns Available from Chromie

Some new campaigns from Chromie have been introduced as well, and these are:

  • The Cataclysm
  • Portal to Outland
  • Fall of the Lich King
  • Wilds of Pandaria
  • The Iron Horde
  • The Legion Invasion

Wrapping Up

So, these are some of the new changes in the shadowlands leveling method. The new expansion has surely introduced a lot of new changes and gaming experience to the World of Warcraft players.

Moreover, if you feel like leveling up is hard for you, try out a wow boosting service to level up faster. In this article, we have discussed the 5 major changes introduced in the shadowlands leveling.




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