WhatsApp is a free messaging application for exchanging – messages, multimedia files, voice & video calls. Later, the WhatsApp introduced its Web Version for professionals who weren’t able to take their messages on mobile during their office hours. Later, for a few countrWhatsApp introduced the subscription of 0.99$ for 1year but after marketing analysis, they realized that keeping the subscription paid won’t benefit in the long term. As a result, the subscription was undone and kept free to reach millions across the world.
In 2014, Facebook bought WhatsApp with the purchase price of $16 billion out of which $4 billion given cash and $12 billion were retrieved as shares in Facebook. Many competing apps were entering the market at the time of purchase. Facebook didn’t waste any time, so they developed and released some unique updates like introducing file sharing, voice and video call, conference calling.
On January 21, 2015, Facebook introduced the desktop version to the world. The initial release, version had only a few features. On regular intervals, developers integrated more features into the desktop version of the desktop. So, you can do almost everything in WhatsApp web similar to the app in smartphones with few limitations to some features. Check the full article to get the exact information you’re looking for.
What is WhatsApp Web?
In simple terms, the WhatsApp Web is a replica to your smartphone WhatsApp. At first, you need to login successfully to see the chats, contacts, and statuses exactly like the mobile version. Few things like voice and video calls, editing your about, privacy policy are still can’t be used with the web version.
If you are unable to download the media files or documents that you are unable to store on your smartphone then try the desktop version. Not just the storage, you can also send different format files to send to your contacts. Upload your files via USB or Bluetooth and send it to your contacts. So, simple isn’t it?
I know, you can use email or GDrive, but if your contact needs it in more easy to file find below 25MB just send use WhatsApp. I agree that the transfer between laptop and smartphone is quite a difficult process. And may consume your time, isn’t it?
Well, now you can simply use WhatsApp web in your browser, scan the QR code, locate the file you want to send and send it to your required contact. The process of file transfer on WhatsApp is way too easy.
How Does It Work?
WhatsApp Web works on simple basics, just type it on your search engine or Google it. The first link you will get would be the official website link. Open it and let the site and QR code loads on the right side of the screen.
By the time, open the WhatsApp on your smartphone. Click on those three dots of Menu for the drop-down, select the WhatsApp Web. A scanner will appear through which you can scan the QR code displayed on the website.
If your QR scan is done appropriately, your Chats will be loaded. Start your messaging, send files to the required.
Caution: Don’t turn off the mobile internet, it will no longer work as it works and the data won’t sync among the mobile app and desktop.
- Desktop notifications – The feature that notifies you about your new messages. It will solve your problem of waiting and checking your smartphone or the website again and again for the new messages.
- Blocking – You can block or report a profile in web version as well. This feature was not available in the early Beta version, so it has been updated. For user privacy and beneficiaries.
- Deleting Message – The option to delete messages is also available in the web version.
- Share Multimedia Files– You can share photos, videos, music mp3, and files through the web version.
Note: WhatsApp web is available for Android, Windows, Blackberry OS, iOS and macOS versions.
Do’s For Web Version
Always make sure your WhatsApp is updated to the latest version. On Google play store (Android) and App Store (IOS) are by default it is set to automatic download the updates of the application. But due to the usage of mobile data, the setting can be turned off and might lead to issue for updates notifications.
So, keep an eye on the updates at regular intervals and download the latest version. You may already know that the media file gets compressed while sharing with WhatsApp.
No matter how much your smartphone might be configured, the data gets stored up, at some point in time, it lags during the usage. Delete the old chats if they are not really important. Whenever you send videos or pictures, WhatsApp saves a copy of them in the media folder. They add up to your phone space.
Navigate, WhatsApp>Media>videos>sent>files. You will find the media files you sent. They are just a copy so you can delete them. Though these days, we often get 32 GB, 64 GB and even 128 GB storage in our smartphones. It is always great to clear the extra media files associated with the application.
Make sure to log out after the use. If you forgot, then no worries WhatsApp will log you out of the site. Still in doubt, then you can even log out from the smartphone. Go to settings and click on the WhatsApp web. You can see the details of the previous/current login. Click on log out and it will log you out from the systems.
Even with an end to end encryption being available, be careful what you talk on the application. Once reported, you may not be able to send messages ever again. Do not use modded applications with your number. WhatsApp can track whether you are using the official version or mod version. They will temporarily block you if you use mod versions.
Do not switch off the internet on your smartphone or on a laptop while using the web version. A constant internet connection is required for its working.
What are the uses of WhatsApp Web?
It has many uses but mainly useful in two scenarios. First, is when you want to transfer files from a computer/laptop to your contacts via WhatsApp, you can use this version in this situation. Just scan the QR code, login and send files to your contacts. The process is that simple.
Another scenario would be, on the event of occasions and parties, the process of direct messaging is long gone. As people use WhatsApp more often so they use broadcast messages, to send the invitations. This method saves money, time and reaches to most of the people in your contacts.
Just like Gmail and Skype, WhatsApp web can also be used while in the office if replying during office hours is a headache. Then simply login on your desktop. As desktop features notification, you won’t need to check again and again for new messages. A notification pops up whenever a new message comes.
Voice and video calls are available in WhatsApp mobile apps. The latest useful feature is conference calls. No room is untouched with the internet so, with the introduction of this conference calling feature, you can meet your 4 family members or friends for free.
Can it be used on the Google Chrome browser only?
Earlier, WhatsApp web could only be launched on the Google Chrome browser. Hence the foremost thing is to have the Google Chrome browser installed. Also, the windows version should be Windows 8 and above, iOS 10 and above.
WhatsApp web is a very popularly used site. You can also download the application, and it is very reliable and the user-interface is very much similar to the mobile application.
How to set up the WhatsApp desktop notifications?
It is up to you, whether you want to or not to set up the notifications for the WhatsApp web. If you allow the web notifications, you will be able to see the notification along with the pop-up message display.
How to login?
Logging into the site/desktop is only done when you are logged into your WhatsApp mobile Application.
Load up the web application page or open the WhatsApp web and take your phone.
Open the QR code scanner
on iOS –
Settings > WhatsApp Web
on Android –
Menu (top right-hand corner) > WhatsApp Web
and scan the QR code that appears on the screen.
After finishing up these steps, you can directly log into your WhatsApp web application. The WhatsApp web screen is nothing but the replica of your WhatsApp mobile Application. You can use the application on both devices simultaneously.
The messages and media shared, are synchronized instantly. Hence, you don’t really need to bother about the media and the messages that have been shared through either of the application. The synchronization feature of the WhatsApp is very useful and extremely reliable one. Although, WhatsApp is not working on any cloud platform for working on the WhatsApp web and WhatsApp mobile Application.
How to logout of the WhatsApp web?
You need to logout from the WhatsApp web for security measures. Once, you are logged into the web application, there are fair chances that you might forget logging out. Logging out of the application is essential only to maintain privacy. If you are using your desktop or laptop for personal usage, you may consider not logging out from the application. But, in case you are sharing your PC with someone else, you got to be cautious about logging out. The data that you exchange on WhatsApp is private to its extent.
Now, the question arises, how to logout of the WhatsApp web?
It is quite simple. Just open the WhatsApp Application on your device. Find the WhatsApp web option on it. If you are an iOS user, you will find it in settings options. In case you are an android user, you will have to click on the three vertical dots and you will find WhatsApp web option over there.
Click on it and you will find-
Just click on the option that is displayed in the image.
And you are successfully logged off. To be on the safer side, check once again from the same option. Logout from all sessions except the live one.
Accessibility of the WhatsApp web
You can access the WhatsApp web instantly. All you need is your Android or the iOS device on which the WhatsApp is preinstalled and running. Then you will have access to your WhatsApp web application. The WhatsApp web application runs only on the Google Chrome platform. Hence, you got to have a Google Chrome browser preinstalled as well. The internet connection is a must factor to run the WhatsApp web.
You can access the media and data that is on your current device. That said, you cannot access the mobile device files from your PC and vice-a-versa. However, you can make calls from the WhatsApp mobile device. The video and audio call functionality of the WhatsApp web completely depends on your PC. In case you access to your webcam, you can have a WhatsApp web video calling.
Hopefully, the WhatsApp web soon enables all the functions that are on the WhatsApp mobile application. Though WhatsApp web is not an alternative, it can at least serve the purpose of fairly replicating the mobile application.
The Purpose of WhatsApp Web
When WhatsApp was intentionally and purposely being designed only for mobile device users, what was the point of developing the web version of the app? Indeed, the huge database. The database of the WhatsApp user is so much that we can calculate the most probable accurate demographic through it. Majority of the people are using desktop and laptops at their workstations. And not to mention, WhatsApp is, nowadays used for work purposes as well. Hence, the need for WhatsApp Web.
- You don’t need to look off the screen while working
- You get the bigger interface of the screen and the keyboard while typing.
- Great replica or mirror messenger of your WhatsApp mobile Application.
- You are logged off, if your mobile battery dies or in case you switch off the mobile.
- If the data connection is not active on your mobile then you can’t use the WhatsApp web.
- Can’t make a voice or video call via WhatsApp web.
- Won’t be able to update your Whatsapp status via WhatsApp web that feature is only available on the smartphone application.
- Could not send the current location or live location as in the mobile version
- UPI payments option is also not available in WhatsApp web
WhatsApp web is easy to use. It is all about basic communication with people. There is no limit to using this version as it is absolutely free just like a mobile app. As you can see, 80% of the features are available in the web version. Let’s hope that they will add new features to the WhatsApp web in the near future. We will update as the WhatsApp updates itself. Stay tuned with us to get the latest updates and features of the applications. Also, their insights, reviews, and how-tos will be shared. Drop a comment to share your experience with the WhatsApp web.