Transformice – A Game to Build Your Creativity

transformice game

Transformice is a free-to-play online multiplayer video game that is free-to-use. French game designers that are known by their aliases Melibellule and Tigrounette created this game. Melibellule helps in producing the game’s artwork and graphics, whereas Tigrounette programs the game’s functions and mechanics. The game received its first release on May 1, 2010. You can play Transformice on any platform such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. Moreover, it was released on Steam on January 30, 2015, as a free-to-play game.

Transformice game


Your primary objective is to collect a piece of cheese that is put on at least one location on the map. You can control the mouse by using the arrow keys or the WASD. Moreover, you can use the mouse to run, duck, jump and perform various techniques, such as wall climbing, long jump, corner jumps, and turning around.

If you want to get a win in this game, then all you have to do is collect the cheese by touching it. Later, your mice must take your collected cheese back to your mice’s hole to finish. However, I cannot say much about the number of cheese and mouse holes as they differ between maps. You get points on a scoreboard when you win a game in real-time. Moreover, based on your first, second or third rank you can get Bonus points.


However, when there are about 2 or more players in the room, then your collection of cheese is logged into your permanent statistics. Whenever there are eleven or more players in the room and if you get the position then you get some extra recognition.

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Game Modes for Transformice

Transformice provides several game modes to you. Moreover, All those have different mechanics and objectives.


It brings up to as Normal in-game mode. Moreover, Normal mode does not require a unique room name. So, any room without a particular room name is a regular room. However, A round may also occasionally feature a racing map.

Note- Normal mode was the first addition in Transformice.


Transformice vanilla mode
Transformice Vanilla mode

Vanilla is quite similar to Transformice. Created on 6 Nov. 2010, it only features admin-created maps, which are more accessible for beginners to complete. Moreover, It is the only mode that is featuring admin-made maps. The purpose of vanilla is to give new players a smooth start.


Transformice survivor mode
Transformice survivor mode

Whenever, the shaman attempts to kill your mice, primarily by using cannonballs, or any other available objects. Moreover, there aren’t any mouse holes, but there is cheese in some maps to make it harder for you to move. The mice try their best to avoid as much as possible cannonballs and try to stay alive by the time the round finishes.

Sometimes, this mode features “vampire” maps. The game automatically selects a few mouses at random as vampires, and then these vampires try to “infect” other mice, while other mice try their best to stay away from the vampires. However, if a mouse gets infected, then that mouse also becomes a vampire, then helps other vampires in infecting another mouse.

Note-However, these maps have no shaman.


Transformice racing module
Transformice racing module

You and your enemy’s mice try their best to complete maps as fast as possible. Moreover, if you win the game, then you are entitled to specific badges and titles. Furthermore, the Racing mode has no shaman.


Transformice Bootcamp module
Transformice Bootcamp module

This mode is robust and designed for experienced players.


Transformice Defilante module
Transformice Defilante module

This map scrolls horizontally so, your mice must keep up as with it. You mice must collect distributed points as many as possible in the map before entering the hole with cheese. Moreover, There is no shaman present in Defilante mode.


Transformice village module
Transformice village module

This map looks like a village, and several NPCs distributed throughout the game. The NPCs stay stationary, and users can buy items, titles, or badges from them using “coins” or other things. So, players use the village to chat, roleplay, or trade. Moreover, you don’t have any objective in this game mode.


Transformice module
Transformice module

Module mode allows you to create your minigames. However, They have changeable mechanics and objectives.

Some Important Things that you should Know

  • Generally, Maps in Transformice have a general time limit. It takes two minutes to load a new map.
  • If the Shaman dies in the map or too few mice are, remaining, then the timer will reset to 20 seconds.
  • Moreover, if you die, then one point adds to your score on the scoreboard. So, it doesn’t matter, what time you died or the cause of death.
  • If you finish the map or die early, then your Maps can instantly switch before the time limit.

Final Words

Transformice is a puzzle platformer that allows you to build your creativity as a shaman or like a mouse in full speed. Moreover, A large portion of the gaming community is young, so the Transformice isn’t the most fantastic thing ever, but the creativity of every level is the reason I play it. So, for me, It’s a game that allows you to play at the same level and get a different solution every time.

So, if you haven’t played Transformice yet then what are you waiting for visit This website and start playing.




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