4 Things Every Watch Enthusiast Should Know

4 Things Every Watch Enthusiast Should Know
4 Things Every Watch Enthusiast Should Know

Watches are the perfect accessories, whether you’re male or female. The accessories are often highlights of your hard work as most watches, especially those from well-known brands, carry quite an expensive price tag. Watches simply aren’t only for telling what time of day it is. Watches are status symbols that exude professionalism and class. 

Since people know the aesthetic and monetary value of watches, some of them end up being collectors or enthusiasts. For some of these die-hard collectors, you can see rare collections of watches. You can also see unique timepieces that have an interesting background. Another reason why people get into collecting timepieces is because of the high demand for some of these watches.

Antique watches may not look like it, but some actually are valuable and cost up to millions in dollars. In fact, luxury brands such as Patek Philippe have sold watches in auctions worth more than $2,000,000.

Imagine having that watch included in your collection! If you want to be a reputable watch collector or enthusiast, you have to know the ins and outs of the business. Here are some tips that every watch enthusiast, whether a rookie or a veteran, should know about.


Know About The Different Watch Styles

For an aspiring collector or enthusiast, one should always know about the types of watch styles. Some of the most common watch styles include:

Dress Watches – These accessories or watches are what you commonly see on people who go on business meetings and other formal events. Most watches of this style have hefty price tags and can belong in a limited class of their own.

Sports Watch – Watches of this style are often durable and can handle extreme conditions. Mountaineers, hikers, adventure seekers, athletes, etc. all favor using sports watches during their activities.

Diving Watch – Although these watches can go well with any outfit, dive watches were specifically built to assist deep-sea divers. Diving watches can also be expensive because they’re waterproof, made with corrosive resistant material, and have additional features with them.

Know About Watch Movements

If there are styles, there are also differences with the movements on watches. The two movements that watches have are Quartz and Mechanical. Watches with mechanical movements often consist of tiny, working, and moving parts that work seamlessly. Most mechanical watches require some form of energy to keep them running.

The methods of keeping a mechanical watch running can be either manual or automatic. Manual mechanical watches require a wound up device or spring to power the gears of the watch. Automatic mechanical watches, however, are self-winding and get their energy from the movements of their wearer.

Most collectors prefer mechanical watches because of the level of craftsmanship involved in creating these timepieces. These watches can fetch a heavy price for collectors, especially if they’re valuable, authentic watches.

Quartz movement watches are more modern and use a quartz battery to run correctly. These watches are accurate and require little to no maintenance at all. They’re also cheaper and less valuable than mechanical movement watches.

Know Your Watch Terms

Just with every profession or hobby, every watch enthusiast should know the jargon and terms within the watch business. Without proper knowledge of these terms, a person can easily get lost and can lose a lot of value when buying or selling watches. Here are some examples of common words:

AnalogA watch that uses hands to display the hours and minutes.

GuillocheEngine Turning.

HorologyThe science of measuring time, craftsmanship, or art of watches.

HorologistA Clockmaker.

BezelMovable metal ring around the timepiece which houses crystals.

Geneva Seal

Perhaps one of the most important things to know in this list, the Seal of Geneva[1], is given to watches that have reached the high standards set by Genevan artistry. Consider the seal as an award and assurance for watches who have extremely high market value. For further verification, the Seal of Geneva is stamped on the watch case.


Being a watch enthusiast isn’t easy, but it isn’t difficult either. To be a reliable watch collector or enthusiast, a person should know about the different movements and styles of watches. He or she should also be familiar with the words used in the business. Lastly, a respectable enthusiast should always know the value of the Seal of Geneva.



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