5 Tips For Safely Showing Your Home To Buyers During Coronavirus

Tips For Safely Showing Your Home To Buyers During Coronavirus

Selling your home during the coronavirus pandemic may seem more complicated logistically than it otherwise might, but you can still take advantage of the booming market if you take adequate safety precautions. A primary concern for homeowners looking to put their house on the market currently is how to keep buyers and agents safe during showings. Even if you follow great real estate email marketing templates to create an eye-catching real estate neighborhood flyer, it’s still essential to take every possible precaution to remain safe while showing your home to others.

1. Create a Thorough Tour via Online Platforms and Other Marketing Materials

Online showings have become increasingly popular since the start of the pandemic, so if you want to reach the maximal number of potential buyers, creating a thorough virtual tour should be at the top of your to-do list next to quality real estate brochure design and contracting with a top-notch agent. Your virtual tour should encompass a photo tour, a video walk-through and thorough text descriptions highlighting the best selling points of your home. You may also want to consider investing in a few other marketing materials to post online to social media sites or to a listing website.

2. Work With Your Agent To Ensure Potential Buyers Follow Safety Protocols

If you choose to proceed with in-person showings in addition to your virtual tour, make sure that you establish clear safety protocols and then work closely with your showing agent to make sure potential buyers follow those protocols to the letter. Key safety measures to take include having everyone wear a mask, wash their hands, avoid touching any surfaces and use hand sanitizer.


3. Do a Deep Clean of the House Before and After Any Showings

Just in case the virus in lingering on any surfaces or any potential buyers are infected by asymptomatic, it’s a good idea to do a deep clean of your home before and after any showings. These cleaning sessions don’t have to be lengthy, but they should be thorough. Consider:

  • Wiping down and disinfecting surfaces like countertops
  • Vacuuming the floors
  • Cleaning the restrooms

4. Consider Doing Live Video Tours for Interested Buyers

If you have serious interested buyers who don’t want to do an in-person tour but want a little more detail than is available through the video tour, consider doing a live video tour with them. You can show the buyer the inside of your home and have your agent answer questions live – virtually!

5. Limit the Number of People Inside at One Time

Finally, a key piece of the puzzle for keeping everyone safe during a showing is limiting the number of people inside at one time. This is especially important since the coronavirus can spread more easily in an enclosed space. The exact number of people may depend on local restrictions and guidelines, but try to keep the number as low as possible.

In order to safely show your home to prospective buyers during the coronavirus pandemic, it’s essential to take several key safety precautions. By following these five tips, you can have home showings and get your home sold while keeping agents and buyers alike as safe as possible.



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