Best Ways To Fix The Most Common Problems On Your Mac

Most Common Problems On Your Mac

A lot of people choose to invest in a Mac – both for doing professional work and effective entertainment reasons. Macs are also very popular among music creators and producers because of their amazing capabilities.

But even the best of technology might experience some technical difficulties. And over the years, it is quite clear what kind of problems most Mac users are facing.

Here, in this article, we want to share some best tips about how to fix the most common problems on your Mac. Even if you have purchased a new Mac and have not faced any problems yet, it is always smart to learn how to fix possible technical difficulties in advance.

Issues On The Startup

Let’s start from the place where your Mac’s daily work starts – at the startup. If your Mac is failing to start and instead of your Desktop you are shown a blank screen, then you need to try starting your Mac in Safe Mode.


When you start your Mac in Safe Mode, it will startup with the most minimal system requirements, therefore all the software and drivers will be used under minimum effectiveness. This will also start a disk check, followed by repairing any possible issues like directory errors and similar.

To perform this action, start the computer and press the Shift button while starting. Then, you should see an Apple logo on your screen. When you no longer can see the logo and the login screen stars, this is the time when you are okay to release the Shift button. Do not worry if it will take quite a while until you see the login screen – have it in mind that your Mac is doing a disk checkup.

To start your Mac in regular mode, just click on the Apple icon in the upper left side and restart your computer.

An App Is Unresponsive

Probably a lot of people have experienced the annoyance when an app is not responding. This slows down the entire performance of your Mac and is very disturbing when you need to do some urgent work on that app. Even worse, if you are afraid the app might not auto-save the work that you have been doing for hours. For example, imagine you were working on your thesis for 6 hours and this happens to you – it would be very unpleasant.

When an app is unresponsive, one of the worst things is that you can not quit it the way you usually do. Some would come to the conclusion that the best way to deal with this situation is to simply restart your computer. But there is no need to reboot the entire system in such a situation. To force quit an app, hover on it in the Dock with your cursor, click Control and choose the option Force Quit.

Another way to do it is by clicking Command-Option-Escape at the same time. This will show you a pop-up with a list of apps that are currently running. All you need to do is highlight the app you want to close and press Force Quit that is located in the corner on the right. This is the best option if you want to Force Quit more than one app at the time.

The Spinning Beach Ball

Even if you recently switched from PC to a Mac, you know the loading icon very well. It is possible that you will see the spinning beach ball from time to time when your Mac takes up more time to load something but if you see a growing tendency of how often it happens, then you should be concerned.

To deal with this issue, go to the Utilities folder, go to the Applications folder and open the Activity Monitor. You can also find the Activity Monitor by using the macOS search. When you open it, you will see how much of your Macs resources each app is using. These are real-time stats that show you how much memory each app needs at the moment.

While you have the Activity Monitor open, you can also choose apps that you want to close. If you see that you have some unnecessary apps running in the background and you are sure that you do not want to use them at the moment, then simply quit them.

This is also a perfect moment to analyze what apps are usually running in your background. It is very likely that you have some startup items that start together with your Mac. Think it through – do you really need those items to start running with your Mac’s startup? It is very important because the more startup items you have, the slower your mac starts and performs. And if you see some apps starting up and don’ t even remember installing them, then you should probably delete them and invest in a proper antivirus for your Mac – because who knows how those apps got there?



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